Wedding receptions and going-away parties don’t mix
- At June 17, 2012
- By Natalie Stahl
- In Uncategorized
She loved him. It was obvious that she did. And he loved her. It was awe-inspiring to see. It made those around them believe in love all over again. They had worked together at an engineering firm for years. They knew each other very well and had a great life planned with each other. However, there was one slight problem… he took another job with an oil company and was being relocated to Oklahoma. This put the wedding plans into high gear after she agreed to move with him.
Their wedding planning had a few hiccoughs in it. Their original venue had double booked their date and sent them packing with only a few months to plan another event. I got a panicked call from a bride on the edge, but we got them squeezed in and everything was back on track. Not only were they planning a wedding, they were planning a major move and major change in their lives – all at the same time. Normally one of these would put the bravest of women hiding under the bed, coming out only to pee and restock the chocolate supply. She was doing a good job keeping everything together, yet moving forward at the same time.
The wedding was beautiful. The bride blushing. The groom doting. The food was delicious. The cake was an attraction. The DJ was keeping the mood festive. Everyone was having a great time – especially the bride and groom.
Then the first guest left.
It happens. The babysitter is getting paid by the hour. Someone has to get up early in the morning, so they cut the evening short. There’s any number of reasons that people will leave a wedding reception early. But it happened. And it was a shock.
It wasn’t a shock to me or the guests leaving, but to the bride, it marked the beginning of the end. She clung to them like they were life vests on a treacherous sea. Then the tears. And more tears. And yet more tears.
The party went on, yet the party was over. At least for the bride. She stood by the gate as each guest tried to leave and hung on them with the fervor of the first victim. I was heartbroken for her. It was horribly sad to watch.
Not knowing what to do, I went to tell the groom what was happening. Apparently it was too much for him, too, but didn’t want to be taken away from HIS friends.
So, this lovely, sweet couple that had the wedding day of their dreams – then suffered major heartbreak that night as they said good-bye to everyone. I’m sure it seemed like a good idea at the time, but as it turned out – it wasn’t such a good idea after all.