A Memorial Reflection
- At August 07, 2014
- By Natalie Stahl
- In Memorials
Jody Serey (Spirit and Light) and I had a very sweet couple who married at Virginia’s House one evening. They had a very small angel of a child born extremely prematurely. We prayed for sweet Madison at their wedding ceremony, but sadly – they lost her a few short weeks later.
We were able to offer them a place for a small memorial service for their sweet baby. The baby’s grandfather wrote this very sweet message for their baby girl. I wanted to share it with you. I can’t see a hummingbird without thinking of this tiny girl.
Madison and the Hummingbird (translated from Madison y el Colibri) by Delfino Vargas Chanes
A hummingbird came home this morning. The bird flew in front of a yellow flower, and made three short turns before it left from my sight. I enjoyed that moment because I always enjoy the moments that nature gives us as a present for our eyes.
Madison is like the hummingbird, and gave us happy moments during her short stay. She opened her eyes to us and let us know gently how much she loved us and how grateful she was being with us. Madison has taught us that we need to value small things in life, and to appreciate ephemeral things that are significant. She gave us thoughtful teachings that we will keep in our hearts forever. The ephemeral appearance of the hummingbird at home and Madison are alike, not only for their size but for the joy they transmitted to us.
The hummingbird as Madison went home but left a yellow flower – actually many yellow flowers –with honey flavor like nice memories.
[This reflection was written both in Spanish in English by the grandfather of tiny baby Madison. He read his tribute to his granddaughter at her memorial service.]