Bachelor parties the night before the wedding are a BAD idea
- At August 25, 2011
- By Natalie Stahl
- In Uncategorized
I’m sure you’ve all heard the horror stories of groomsmen putting the drunken groom on a train and he wakes up hundreds of miles and hours away from his bride. We’ve all heard the stories of new tattoos, indelible marker and broken noses from bar fights. Urban legends? Maybe. Although it doesn’t happen often – it does happen.
Just this season, I had a bride show up in a beat up car I had never seen her in before. She was moody and cranky when she got out of the car. She was quick to tell me she wasn’t mad at me, but that I had no idea what she had been through. (Honestly, I thought it was the usual last minute bride stuff where you simply run out of time and forget to go to sleep that night.)
She then proceeded to tell me of her 3am phone call from a local law enforcement officer. He wanted to know if she was getting married that morning. She said yes. The officer told her that he had arrested the groom for DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol) and that he had been yelling from the back seat about not going to jail, he was getting married in a few hours. He just wanted to verify the story.
When she verified the story, the officer (obviously a softie) asked if she would be willing to take responsibility for him and he would not take him to jail. However, her car (that the groom was driving) had already been towed. And he would still have a DUI on record and have to see the judge early Monday morning.
After this close call with the law, the bride was now stuck with a drunk, slobbery man afraid that she was either going to kill him or not marry him. (I actually think he was unable to decide which would be worse.) He kept her up for the rest of the night begging her to marry him and asking her if she was going to leave him at the altar.
As it turns out – he sobered up and she showed up. And a good time was had by all.